Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Catch-up Episode! (Tomatoes Included)

Post #2! This post will be image-heavy, though I'm not sure at what point I qualify for that. My goal tonight (as it's 2:30 in the morning) is to finish my Pepsi and catch everyone up on roughly my last week or so of hobby stuff. Ideally, it'll spurn me forth, and showcase some of my work.

A brief synopsis of my day will follow as well. Kind of interesting day, I'd like to think.

With no further ado... pictures!

Lacking a game board of my own, I spent some time with no
small amount of flocking material, and made myself a 3'x3'!
The complete Man-O-War test figure!

Khador Man-O-War Shock Troopers.
I painted a test model, and hope to finish these folks!
I had a small Reaper Miniature case, perfect for my Neverborn,
so I painted on the Mask symbol.

About 16,000 bulk Magic Cards,
ready for transport and trade.
I'll kinda miss 'em...
A fair chunk of my bulk Magic cards, before the boxing!

Just a little bit of what I've been working on. This IS 'about gaming' after all... right? Well, not really. Now, about my day!

I'm currently unemployed (by choice, mind you), so I have a bit of free time on my hands most days. This morning, my wife's mom wanted to go to the local farmer's market. I only took one shot of the place, but the parking lot (not including the tents) was jam packed! They also had packed jam, of which I did not buy any of this time.

 My wife and I picked up some Turkish breakfast pastries, as well as some home-made tortilla chips and a delicious jalapeno salsa! Meanwhile, mom-in-law purchased tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, and butter pecan ice cream. Aside from the fact that I had wanted to sleep in, it was a great start.

Not too long after that, my wife and I took her mom to the house (yeah, I live with the folks) and went to visit Seamus the Dog. His folks are in Ocean City for the week, so we're watching the dog. Uneventful trip, as I fed their fish, watered their plants, fed Seamus and let him outside. Then we went to Giant and bought lemons for lemonade.

Pip (my wife), had a lunch date with some friends, so I headed out to my friend Tom's game store: Curio Cavern to pick up a package. I ran into his sister, Valerie, and obtained an unexpected lunch date of my own. We had Thai and talked about spicy food and making clothes out of money.

After we parted ways, I watched a couple of practice Legacy MtG matches, got my Nephilim, and rolled out.

At home, Pip and I loafed for a bit, and eventually we had home-made lemonade and pizza. Good stuff, but no photos were had... too busy eating.

Once again, we were off to see Seamus again for his bi-nightly walk. Unfortunately, as we left the sad dog to his loneliness, I apparently forgot the key inside, and locked the door from the inside. After calling his owner, I learn that my next visit will involve climbing through a window. *sigh*


Next was seeing my wife to bed, and watching some SDA Speed Runs while scraping mold lines from Relic Knights models.

Currently, a speed run of Shadow the Hedgehog is on in the background as I finish this up.

Like I said, pretty simple stuff. I'll do some food reviews a little later, but for now I'm gonna sleep finally. It's 4am... Good night!

P.S. I have quickly learned to dislike the photo formatting on this site. Sorry for the weird positioning and format...

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